Les Seychelles

Dans le cadre de la première rencontre pour le développement durable entre la Réunion et les Seychelles, COREXSOLAR a installé la première centrale photovoltaïque sur le site du Groupe Hôtelier Constance. Lien du site Web

EU PVSEC 2013 – Paris

Meet our team present at EU PVSEC in Paris from the 01 October to 03 October 2013. The EU PVSEC combines a top international PV Industry Exhibition with the world’s leading PV Conference and selected Parallel Events. This synergy creates an ideal Business-to-Business...

ENR – Casablanca

From the 24th to 26th September, COREX will be present on the Renewable Energy exhibition in Casablanca (Morocco) with his partner POWERDEAL. Come to meet us on our booth N°2B50. COREX participera au Salon des énergies renouvelables à Casablanca (Maroc) avec son...

South Africa

COREX submitted a 10MW solar project in response to the Tender N°DOE/003/13/14 launched by the Department of Energy of South Africa.